Traditional outbound marketing methods may still work, however can be less effective.

Ø  Cold calling usually makes people angry and you do not want to displease your potential customers.

Ø Knocking door to door can be very time-consuming, it’s common to find no one at home.

Ø  Sending direct mails or emails could end up in garbage unopened.

Ø  Purchasing leads is also an option, but you can’t just go out and buy the best leads from a lead-generation vendor.

The average lead conversion rates are becoming lower and lower, and for some “cheap” leads, they may be a total waste of money. High ends leads from a top-notch lead generation firm can cost more than $100. For that money, you can hope that the lead to be exclusive and fresh.

Utilizing inbound methodology will allow you to generate interest in your company. In short, it would be easier for you to create your own solar leads instead of looking for one. Let potential customers find you instead of seeking for them aimlessly.

Nowadays, most businesses have their own websites and social media pages. Don’t forget to take advantage of the Internet. Always have your website updated and promote your business on multiple main social media platforms. With an inbound marketing method, you are more likely to turn strangers into visitors, solar leads and customers.

Our identity revolves around one concept: The youth is our future. We’re bold and loud about Climate Change and take the health of our planet very seriously. We’re all in on sustainability and will do just about anything to help people go green.  

INSOLAR is a technology company that connects solar customers with the best solar panel installers at the lowest prices in the market. INSOLAR customers can save up to 50% more by using the INSOLAR platform to go solar. Get your own solar proposal
in seconds here.

Recently, Orange County Business Journal (OCBJ) and UC Irvine Rising Tide  have talked about us.


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