Advertising and referrals are the two major ways that solar installers get customers

Do you know that advertising and referrals are the two major ways providing solar installers customers.

1.  Advertising:

Advertising is the most powerful marketing strategy. By doing something as simple as putting up an online ad or buying air time on a local radio station to increase brand recognition and customers.

2.  Referrals:

A referral happens when a customer gives an installer contact information for prospective customers. The referral program is valuable if customers share contacts who say they are happy to participate in a sales call. Installers usually have money set aside and willingly pay since customer acquisition costs in the solar business are so high.

The marketplace offers appropriate customers who are interested in the services. In short, going through a marketplace can save the time, money, and effort that an installer spends acquiring customers.

INSOLAR is the ultimate marketplace for solar products and installers at discount prices.

Our identity revolves around one concept: The youth is our future. We’re bold and loud about Climate Change and take the health of our planet very seriously. We’re all in on sustainability and will do just about anything to help people go green.  

INSOLAR is a technology company that connects solar customers with the best solar panel
installers at the lowest prices in the market. INSOLAR customers can save up to 50% more by using the INSOLAR platform to go solar. Get your own solar proposal in seconds here.

Recently, Orange County Business Journal (OCBJ) and UC
Irvine Rising Tide  
have talked about us.


Das, C., & Lucier, G. (n.d.). The Solar Win-Win: Online Marketplace Benefits Installer and Homeowner. Retrieved from

Birch, A. (2018, January 05). How to Halve the Cost of Residential Solar in the US. Retrieved from


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